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For illustrative purposes, vowels are sometimes displayed without a corresponding Thai consonant on this website—notably, on the vowels page. Windows® Vista™ has changed the way these vowels are displayed—a placeholder is automatically generated, making our presentation incorrect. The 'auto' setting, wherein no consonant placeholder will be generated for naked vowels if Vista is detected, and where a hyphen will be used otherwise, is recommended. (Vista™ is not detected.)
For a more technically correct Thai orthographic presentation, you may select the option.
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This option enables an alternate, more "forgiving" method of interpreting the encoding of a Thai search string, as follows: in addition to accepting properly rendered Thai characters, the "html entities" for a set of a certain 91 Roman-alphabet characters (i.e. with diacritical accents) are mapped to Thai characters according to the TIS-620 mapping. This allows you to submit just about any format of Thai text as a query, even if it looks like "garbage" characters. The disadvantage is that, when this mode is used, you cannot submit those extended Roman-alphabet characters (which are infrequently used in the English language and our database) as part of a query.

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Romanization and Phonemic Thai
Romanization Display
You can control how romanizations and/or phonemic Thai are displayed. If you're a student who is learning to read Thai, you might wish to use the "Click to Show" Browser JavaScript support required option. With this option, a small icon is displayed in place of each romanization in the dictionary, and clicking on this icon reveals the romanization. This effectively turns every page of the dictionary into a reading quiz.

If you do not wish to see romanizations and/or phonemic Thai at all, you can select the "Do not show" option.

Romanization System
You can control the romanization system that is used throughout the website. Our "enhanced" mode is designed for maximum usefulness for casual web visitors who don't wish to learn special symbols and it's explained here.

Your 'default' selection is used for most romanization throughout the site. The recommended setting is 't-l Enhanced'. You can also choose which of the other schemes are displayed at the top of each dictionary entry by checking the 'show' option.

t-l Phonemic Transcription

Gaaran characters   การันต์   gaaM ranM
saL watL deeM khrapH
Phonemic ThaiPhonemic spelling in Thai scriptสะ-หฺวัด-ดี-คฺรับ
IPAInternational Phonetic Alphabet

Tone Marking Style
Initial /ʔ-/
Final /-ʔ/
sà wàt diː kʰráp
PaiboonAs used in Thai for Beginners book series
by Benjawan Poomsan Becker
sà wàt dii kráp
RTGSRoyal Thai General Systemsawat di khrap
AUAAmerican University Alumni/Peace Corpssàwàt dii khráp
Bua Luang"What You See Is What You Say" (E.G. Allyn, et al.)sà′-wàt′-dee-kráp′
ALA-LCAmerican Library Association-Library of Congresssawat dī khrap
ISO 11940An International transliteration standards̄wạs̄ dī khrạb
<null>Do not show transcription or transliteration

Similar to the "Do not show" setting for "Romanization Display", but this setting also disables transcriptions in the lessons, reference pages, search interface, and elsewhere.

The transcriptions selected in the "show" column are still shown at the top of each dictionary page; to remove these, clear all of the above checkboxes in this table.

Romanizations that appear on this website are generated according to these systems, not reproduced from them.
This site is wholly responsible for any errors which appear; they are not the fault of original authors.

Output examples are provided in this table so that you can ensure that your system has an appropriate font installed for your selection(s). If required, you can change the font which is used for this feature:

Romanization HTML Style
It can be tricky to get the special characters used in transcription systems (such as IPA) to display satisfactorily. This field allows you to specify the HTML/CSS style which is applied to the transcription so that you can adjust it to your liking. This setting is only applied for the transcription systems which use special characters. The T-l Enhanced and RTGS modes use the Page Font setting (above). The Phonemic Thai mode use the smallest of the Thai Font settings (above).

For best results, install one of the SIL fonts, such as 'Charis SIL' from this page, or 'Doulos SIL' from this page, and specify your choice here, as shown in the example below.

examples that you can copy and paste into the field above:
font-family:Charis SIL; font-size:13pt;
font-family:Doulos SIL; font-size:14pt;
font-family:Arial Unicode MS; font-size:larger;
font-family:Lucida Sans Unicode; font-size:12pt;
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Check here to certify that your use of the site conforms with educational "fair use" in accordance with 17 USC §107. This will enable display of additional protected content.
Enable Hover Definitions on Thai words
When enabled, the English definition is shown when you hover the mouse over a Thai word. However, this can create a lot of extra HTML which makes some of the larger dictionary pages (such as the alphabetical browsing pages) slower to download. In either case, the definitions are always just a click away.
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Show example phrases on the page for each dictionary entry.
Show Complete Sentences
Show complete sentence example phrases on the page for each dictionary entry.
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Enable certain gay/lesbian content to be displayed in the dictionary.
Enable content from the Royal Institute of Thailand dictionary, 1982 edition.
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