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ฐอ ฐานbase; foot; pedestal; position; ground; place; station; platform; cause; reason; basis; [linguistics] origin of alphabet/consonantsThe 16th consonant in the Thai alphabet
Unicode value: U+ฐ (ฐ)
TIS-620 value: 0xฐ (ฐ)

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ฐท.thaawR thaawMnoun, abbreviation[abbreviation for ฐานทัพ] military base
ฐอ thaawR[pronunciation of the 16th letter of the Thai alphabet]
ฐาน thaanRnoun, formal, loanword, Palibase; foot; pedestal; position; ground; place; station; platform; cause; reason; basis; [linguistics] origin of alphabet/consonants
adverbon the basis of
ฐานกรณ์ thaanR gaawnMnoun, plural, phrase, formal, loanword, Pali[linguistics] the base (fixed) and speech organs (movable); articulators; sound origins
ฐานกำเนิดthaanR gamM neertLnounbase line; starting point
ฐานกำลังthaanR gamM langMnoun[political] power base
ฐานข้อมูล thaanR khaawF muunMnoundatabase
ฐานข้อมูลแบบรวมศูนย์thaanR khaawF muunM baaepL ruaamM suunRnouncentralized database
ฐานความนิยมthaanR khwaamM niH yohmMnouna base of popularity; a base of supporters; a support base
ฐานทัพ thaanR thapHnounmilitary base
ฐานทัพเรือ thaanR thapH reuuaMnounnaval base
ฐานทัพอากาศthaanR thapH aaM gaatLnounair base
ฐานที่มั่นthaanR theeF manFnoun, phrase, formalbase; stronghold
ฐานที่มั่นสำคัญthaanR theeF manF samR khanMnounimportant base; stronghold
ฐานนิยมthaanR niH yohmMnounthe mode (statistics)
ฐานมวลชนthaanR muaanM chohnMnounbase of popular support (political)
ฐานรางthaanR raangMnountrain road bed
ฐานเสียงthaanR siiangRnounvoting bloc; electoral base
ฐานเสียงในสภาผู้แทนราษฎร์thaanR siiangR naiM saL phaaM phuuF thaaenM raatFnoun, phraseparliamentary voting bloc
ฐานทัพบก thaanR thapH bohkLadjectivearmy base
ฐานะ thaaR naHnounstatus or situation relative to others, relative position; behalf
ฐานะทางเศรษฐกิจมีแต่ทรงกับทรุดthaaR naH thaangM saehtL thaL gitL meeM dtaaeL sohngM gapL sootHexample sentence"The economic situation either remained unchanged or became worse.” “The economic situation went from bad to worse."
ฐานันดรthaaR nanM daawnMnounrank of nobility; order of precedence; aristocratic
ฐานันดรที่สี่thaaR nanM daawnM theeF seeLnoun, phraseThe Fourth Estate; news persons; newspaper persons; news media (referring specifically to the printed press)
ฐานันดรศักดิ์thaaR nanM daawnM sakLnounrank of nobility; title
ฐิตวรรณthitL dtaL wanMproper nounThitawan [a Thai given name]
ฐิติthiL dtiLnounlivelihood; means of living; means of existence
nounlocation; place
adjective[is] immovable; permanent; enduring; steady
nouncertainty; permanence; steadiness; stability; durability; endurance
nounlaw; rule; regulation; code
ฐิติภรณ์thiL dtiL phohnMproper nounThitiporn [a female given name]
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