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ฟอ ฟันtooth; teethThe 31st consonant in the Thai alphabet
Unicode value: U+ฟ (ฟ)
TIS-620 value: 0xฟ (ฟ)

499 Thai words on 10 Pages

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ฟ.faaM raehnM haiMnoun, abbreviation[abbreviation for ฟาห์เรนไฮต์] degrees F; °F
ฟก fohkHadjective[is] contused; bruised; beaten
noun[รอยฟก] bruise; mark [on one's body]
ฟกช้ำ fohkH chaamHnounbruise
adjective[is] bruised; beaten and bruised
ฟกช้ำดำเขียวfohkH chaamH damM khiaaoRadjective[is] bruised; black and blue
ฟรอนต์ fraawnMloanword, English[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] front
loanword[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] front; Front Office Section in a hotel
ฟรอยด์ fraawyMproper noun, person, loanword, EnglishFreud
ฟรังโกfrangM go:hMproper noun, loanword, EnglishFranco [an Italian given name]
ฟรังคี frangM kheeMnoun, colloquial, loanword[arguably the original form of ฝรั่ง , believed to be derived from a Portuguese term] a European
ฟรานfraanMproper noun, loanword, EnglishFran [an English given name]
ฟรานเชสก้าfraanM chaehtF gaaFproper noun, loanword, EnglishFrancesca [an English given name]
ฟรานซ์ fraanMnoun, loanword, English[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] France
proper noun, loanword, EnglishFranz [an German given name]
ฟรานซิสfraanM sitHproper noun, loanword, EnglishFrancis [an English given name]
ฟรานเซสfraanM saehtFproper noun, loanword, EnglishFrances [an English given name]
ฟรีfreeMadjective, loanword, English[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] free; [is] free of charge
gratis; without charge; without monetary requirement
ฟรีเพลย์ freeM phlaehMnoun, loanword, English[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword, "free play"]
ฟรีคิกfreeM khikHnoun, loanword, English[Thai transcription of foreign loanword] free kick (in football/soccer)
ฟรีซfreesFverb[Thai transcription of foreign loanword] to freeze
ฟรีไซสfreeM saiHadjective, loanword, English[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] freesize; one size fits all
ฟรีทาวน์ freeM thaaoMproper noun, geographicalFreetown, the capital city of เซียร์ราลีโอน  (Sierra Leone)
ฟรีเทาน์freeM thaoM[alternate spelling of ฟรีทาวน์ ]
ฟรีแลนซ์freeM laaenMnoun[Thai transcription of foreign loanword] freelance
ฟรีสไตล์freeM saL dtaiMadjective, loanword, English[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] freestyle; one size fits all
ฟรุ้งฟริ้งfroongH fringHnountwinkle; sparkle
ฟลอร่าflaawM raaFproper noun, loanword, EnglishFlora [a Spanish given name]
ฟลอริดาflaawM riH daaMproper noun, geographical, loanword, EnglishFlorida [state of the United States]
ฟลอเรนซ์flaawM raehnMproper noun, loanword, EnglishFlorence [an English given name]
ฟลามิงโกflaaM mingM go:hMnoun, loanword, English[นกฟลามิงโก] [Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] flamingo
ฟลามิงโก้flaaM mingM go:hF[alternate spelling of ฟลามิงโก]
ฟลายflaaiMnoun, loanword, English[Thai transcription of foreign loan word] fly (the insect)
ฟลุก flookHnoun[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] fluke; an unexpected windfall
ฟลุคflookHnoun, loanword, English[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] fluke; by chance; accidental
ฟลุตflootHnoun, loanword, English[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] flute
ฟลูออกซิทีน fluuM aawkL siH theenM[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] "fluoxetine"—โพรแส็ค  (Prozac)
ฟลูออรีนfluuM aawM reenMnoun, loanword, English[chemistry] Fluorine, F, atomic number 9
ฟลูออเรสเซนต์fluuM aawM raehtF saehnMnoun, loanword, English[Thai transcription of foreign loanword] fluorescent
ฟลูออไรด์fluuM aawM raiMnoun, adjective, loanword, English[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] flouride
ฟอ faawM[pronunciation of the 31st letter of the Thai alphabet]
ฟ่อ faawFinterjection, loanword, onomatopoeia[hissing sound of a snake]
ฟ้อfaawH[alternate spelling of ฟ่อ ]
ฟอก faawkFverbto cleanse; to purify or wash; to scald by fire or heat
ฟอกขาว faawkF khaaoRverb, idiomto whitewash; gloss over or cover up a crime or misdeed
ฟอกขาวfaawkF khaaoRverbto bleach; whitewash
ฟอกเงินfaawkF ngernMverbto launder money
ฟอกสีฟันfaawkF seeR fanMverbto whiten the teeth
ฟอง faawngMnounbubble; froth
classifier[numerical classifier for spheroid objects such as eggs]
ฟองกามfaawngM gaamMverb, phraseto feel sexual desire; have a heightened libido
ฟองน้ำ faawngM naamHnounsponge
ฟองมัน faawngM manMnounthe punctuation mark (), formerly used at the beginning of a new paragraph
ฟองสบู่faawngM saL buuLnounsoap bubble
ฟ่อง faawngFverbto float
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