Correct or Comment on an Entry
If you wish to submit an audio file, image or drawing for this entry, please email it to
this address.
Please do not use this form for questions or requests for translation. If you need help with translation, please visit one of the
Translation Forums on the message board, where you can ask for help. If you are submitting a new entry, your submission will only be accepted if you provide both the Thai word and its English translation.
If your correction is accepted and you have included your name in the above form, we will acknowledge your contribution on our
site news page.
Please include your email address so we can contact you if we need clarification. This email address will
not be distributed, posted, or used for any purpose other than an inquiry related to your submission.

If you do not provide a valid email contact, and there is any question about your submission, then it will have to be discarded.