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โอม o:hmM |
Royal Institute - 1982 | ||||||||
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | โอม |
IPA | ʔoːm |
Royal Thai General System | om |
[interjection, formal] | |||
definition | [Hinduism] Om; Aum [a mantric word thought to be a complete expression of Brahman and interpreted as having three sounds representing Brahma (พระพรหม ) or creation, Vishnu (พระนารายณ์) or preservation, and Siva (พระศิวะ) or destruction, or as consisting of the same three sounds, representing waking, dreams, and deep sleep, along with the following silence, which is fulfillment] | ||
categories | |||
example | โอมเพี่ยง! | o:hmM phiiangF | Oam... presto! (May it be as I wish now!) |