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กำชับกำชา gamM chapH gamM chaaM |
Royal Institute - 1982 | ||||
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | กำ-ชับ-กำ-ชา |
IPA | kam tɕʰáp kam tɕʰaː |
Royal Thai General System | kamchapkamcha |
[verb] | |||
definition | to reiterate; urge; repeat; insist firmly; instruct explicitly; order repeatedly | ||
synonyms | กำชับ | gamM chapH | to reiterate; urge; repeat; insist firmly; instruct explicitly; order repeatedly |
เตือน | dteuuanM | to caution; warn; remind | |
สั่งเสีย | sangL siiaR | to admonish; exhort; urge; advise | |
สั่งย้ำ | sangL yaamH | to repeat; reiterate; restate; retell | |