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เจ้าแม่กาลี jaoF maaeF gaaM leeM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | เจ้า-แม่-กา-ลี |
IPA | tɕâw mɛ̂ː kaː liː |
Royal Thai General System | chao mae kali |
[proper noun, person, phrase, figurative, colloquial, sarcastic-humorous] | |||
definition | Mother Goddess Kali, sometimes used figuratively and sarcastically for a nasty mean woman or gay man | ||
categories | |||
components | เจ้าแม่ | jaoF maaeF | Mother Goddess; [sometimes used figuratively for] a powerful woman or gay man who is the chief of a group or circle; queen |
กาลี | gaaM leeM | [Hinduism] Kali or ทุรคา (Durga), the wife of พระศิวะ (Shiva) and the malevolent form of the Mother Goddess; Parvati; the sometimes malignant goddess of war; an aspect of เทวี (Devi) | |