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July 2003 News Archive Prefixed prefixes now handled properly, as in มนเทียร. Entered more Thai words. No sooner did I post that last blog entry bemoaning my inability to fix the left-column elongation problem... than I figured it out and solved it. Yay! This had been an ugly pox for too long. Turns out, the browser was laying out the column based on the width of the "alt" text for one of the images, as shown in this screenshot: ![]() In the case that the asynchronous download of the image eventually fails, this alt text would remain in place. However, when the image does finish downloading successfully, sometimes a re-layout was not triggered, and the width of the left column would remain—as Bryan so aptly put it—elongated. I simply truncated the lengthy alt text, and this problem should now be banished.
Hello all, First off, thanks to Glenn for creating two Movable Type Web log account for me. __/|\__ Though this Personal Publishing System gives me so much fun, I've got a lot to learn, though, as I'm not used to those HTML-like MT tags at all. I downloaded the DB from Glenn on July 7 and completed the updates early this morning. Here is what I did:
Yet to do is adding/archiving all the useful words and phrases from the Message Boards Till next time. สวัสดีครับ Ran a full Windows Update on the Windows 2000 server and rebooted it. Well as you can see, I haven't posted an entry to this blog in a while, because I was hoping to have the chat ready. But since that work is dragging on, I thought I'd give a quick update on what's happening lately. I handed off the DB to Bryan, who's doing a whole bunch of work. I'll describe all that when he's ready to drop it off. Er, as a matter of fact, why don't I just create a blog author account for him and he can do it himself! As for me, I've mainly been working on the chat application, which has gone through several rewrites. I can't decide if this work is actually teaching me something, or if I'm just needlessly banging my head against the wall. First, I implemented a "now online" feature for the chat. The hardest part of this task was laying-out the DIVs using DHTML expressions. This seems to be something of a black art. Next, I noticed that the chat app was occasionally causing the browser to "hang" on a Windows 2000 machine, although it worked fine on XP. After a couple hours of hunting, I found out that this was due to the way in which I was embedding the audio file for the beeping sound. I switched to an alternate method and the problem went away. Then, I decided to try to use a third-party rich text editing control written entirely in javascript/HTML (a product made in the UK called TextArea Rich). It dropped into my chat app really easily, but since its main control body is an IFRAME, now I couldn't seem to capture keystrokes from it (using the onkeypress event) the way I did with a simple TEXTAREA. The event fired fine until the IFRAME lost the focus, and then never fired again, even when the focus was restored to the IFRAME. It seemed like maybe the browser security zone "features" were kicking in and preventing my outer web page from communicating with or knowing anything about its child IFRAME . I tried everything and it was very frustrating because I don't have a good javascript development environment or tools, such as an DHTML event spy. After two days of flailing around on this problem, I discovered that the chat app should really be written as an HTA, or "HTML Application"; to do so would solve another problem I was having with the chat window being reused when you click on a URL somewhere else. I converted it over to an HTA, which was pretty easy, but still had a problem with capturing keystrokes, even after marking the IFRAME as a trusted part of the HTA. After a lot of Googling, I finally found a snippet of javascript code, written by one Jared Nance, which solved the onkeypress/focus problem. Thanks to him for that. Other news: Extended the URL-remapping layer to accomodate more sections of the web site as simulated directories. Consolidated all external URL links into a new "links" page. Still need to update and check for any broken links on that page. Bug fix: my C++ "reprocessing" algorithm, which allows hot-linked Thai words to be embedded within English definitions, was not using absolute paths, which caused some resources not to be found if and when the URL-remapping layer had munged things. Installed the Ehk "found it!" image into the search results page. Updated the MSXML 4.0 download that we distribute from version 4.10.9404 (SP1) to version 4.20.9818 (SP2) and enhanced the detection code on our download page. If you had previously installed SP1 from our download page, you can ensure that you have the latest version by clicking here. If you see an empty white box, on that page, then you have SP2; if the download starts, you don't have it. I've been working hard to get the new chat application into a pretty finished state before releasing it for everyone to use. But it's getting close. If anyone would like to beta-test it let me know. This is a browser app written in JavaScript and it has some hefty requirements. I'm sorry to say that the app will probably only work with Internet Explorer. Also, since the app requires MSXML 4.0, it requires Windows 98/ME/NT4/XP (not Win95) If anyone is a Java wiz and wants to try to adapt the code for other browsers, let me know. What has taken a while is that I've written it as a client-side app which doesn't use frames or refresh (poll) its whole content all the time like most of the other lame HTML- or Java- chats out there. It's a Thai and English chat. For now it supports one global chat room. Look for it in the next week or so. |