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ยโส yaH so:hR |
Royal Institute - 1982 | ||||
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ยะ-โส |
IPA | já sǒː |
Royal Thai General System | yaso |
alternate spelling | ยะโส | yaH so:hR | |
[adjective] | |||
definition | [is] overbearing; self-important; arrogant; pompous | ||
synonym | โอหัง | o:hM hangR | [is] conceited; arrogant; proud; haughty; boastful; disrespectful; insolent; impertinent; impudent |
examples | ยโสโอหัง | yaH so:hR o:hM hangR | to put on airs; be arrogant; overbearing; self-important; arrogant; pompous |
ความยโสโอหัง | khwaamM yaH so:hR o:hM hangR | arrogance | |