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เขละขละ khlehL khlaL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | เขฺละ-ขฺละ |
IPA | kʰlèʔ kʰlàʔ |
Royal Thai General System | khlekhla |
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definition | [is] disorderly; untidy | ||
synonyms | เขละ | khlehL | [is] disorderly; untidy |
เปรอะเปื้อน | bpruhL bpeuuanF | [is] stained; blot; spotted; soiled; tarnished | |
เลอะเทอะ | luhH thuhH | [is] stained; soiled; dirty; filthy; stained; soiled; dirty; filthy; blemished; spotted | |
เละเทะ | lehH thehH | [is] dirty; filthy; untidy; soggy | |
สกปรก | sohkL gaL bprohkL | [is] dirty; not clean; filthy; foul | |
โสมม | so:hR mohmM | [is] foul; filthy; polluted; obscene; dirty | |
เหลวแหลก | laayoR laaekL | [is] dissolute; dissipated; worthless; good-for-nothing | |
special note |
This word contains an initial consonant cluster which follows the general clustered consonant tone rule. This
is the common case for clusters in which:
For more details, please check the following resources:
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