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ที่หนีบธนบัตร theeF neepL thaH naH batL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ที่-หฺนีบ-ทะ-นะ-บัด |
IPA | tʰîː nìːp tʰá ná bàt |
Royal Thai General System | thi nip thana bat |
[noun] | |||
definition | money clip | ||
categories | |||
components | ที่ | theeF | [prefix creating a noun from a verb] the object pertaining to..., that which..., an object for..., for the purpose of..., equipment or gear for a purpose |
หนีบ | neepL | to squeeze; pinch; grip with a pinching action | |
ธนบัตร | thaH naH batL | [formal term] bill; banknote; currency notebank; notes; paper currency | |