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คันชัก khanM chakH |
Royal Institute - 1982 | ||||||
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | คัน-ชัก |
IPA | kʰan tɕʰák |
Royal Thai General System | khan chak |
1.  [noun] | |||
definition | archery bow | ||
classifier | คัน | khanM | [numerical classifier for vehicles, cars, umbrellas, etc.] |
components | คัน | khanM | handle; rod; wand; pedal |
ชัก | chakH | to pull at; to discount; draw; take away; withdraw; to pull upon | |
2.  [noun] | |||
definition | plow handle; plow beam | ||
classifier | คัน | khanM | [numerical classifier for vehicles, cars, umbrellas, etc.] |
components | คัน | khanM | handle; rod; wand; pedal |
ชัก | chakH | to pull at; to discount; draw; take away; withdraw; to pull upon | |
synonym | คันไถ | khanM thaiR | plow; plow handle; beam of plow |
3.  [noun] | |||
definition | violin bow; fiddle bow; violin bridge | ||
classifier | คัน | khanM | [numerical classifier for vehicles, cars, umbrellas, etc.] |
components | คัน | khanM | handle; rod; wand; pedal |
ชัก | chakH | to pull at; to discount; draw; take away; withdraw; to pull upon | |