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ทุเรียนกวน thooH riianM guaanM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ทุ-เรียน-กวน |
IPA | tʰúʔ riːan kuːan |
Royal Thai General System | thurian kuan |
[noun] | |||
definition | preserved durian jam; durian preserves | ||
categories | |||
components | ทุเรียน | thooH riianM | durian, genus Duria, the edible fruit of a tree, Durio zibethinus, of the bombax family, of southeastern Asia (predominantly Thailand), having a hard, prickly rind, a highly flavored, fleshy yellow flesh, and pungent odor |
กวน | guaanM | to preserve fruit, to make jam or preserves | |