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สวยตายล่ะ! suayR dtaaiM laF |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | สวย-ตาย-ล่ะ |
IPA | sǔaj taːj lâʔ |
Royal Thai General System | suai tai la |
[example sentence, colloquial, sarcastic-humorous] | |||
definition | [imperative tone] "Yeah, right, beautiful!" | ||
components | สวย | suayR | [is] beautiful; pretty; lovely; gorgeous; attractive; nice-looking [usually referring to women but also possibly a view] |
ตาย | dtaaiM | [sarcastic word intended for overstatement] die; to death; a lot, a great deal; so | |
ล่ะ | laF | [informal, spoken pronunciation of ละ —a particle used at the end of a statement or question to add an imperative quality] | |