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มั่วโลกีย์ muaaF lo:hM geeM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | มั่ว-โล-กี |
IPA | mûːa loː kiː |
Royal Thai General System | mua loki |
[verb, intransitive, phrase, formal] | |||
definition | [showing disapproval of one's sexual behavior] to debauch | ||
categories | |||
components | มั่ว | muaaF | [having a sexual connotation] to indulge (e.g. in an orgy); have sexual relations with many people; sleep around; act promiscuously |
โลกีย์ | lo:hM geeM | worldly happiness or pleasure; lust; profane | |
related word | เสเพล | saehR phlaehM | [used with male only] to debauch |