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ผูกใจเจ็บ phuukL jaiM jepL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ผูก-ไจ-เจ็บ |
IPA | pʰùːk tɕaj tɕèp |
Royal Thai General System | phuk chai chep |
[verb, intransitive, phrase, colloquial] | |||
definition | to have it in for someone; to intend or be determined to harm | ||
components | ผูก | phuukL | to bind; tie; attach |
ใจ | jaiM | heart; spirit; spiritual center or core; soul; inner being; mind | |
เจ็บ | jepL | [is] sore; hurt; injured; in pain; in emotional pain | |
related word | เจ็บแค้น | jepL khaaenH | to bear someone malice; bear someone a grudge; harbour a grudge against someone; [is] indignant |