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น่าชื่นชม naaF cheuunF chohmM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | น่า-ชื่น-ชม |
IPA | nâː tɕʰɯ̂ːn tɕʰom |
Royal Thai General System | na chuen chom |
[adjective] | |||
definition | praiseworthy; admirable; laudable; commendable | ||
components | น่า | naaF | [a prefix to a verb or adjective to indicate a persistent state or greater intensity of description] extremely; very; intensely; entrenched; really |
ชื่น | cheuunF | [is] joyful; cheerful; happy; buoyant; glad; refreshed | |
ชม | chohmM | to admire; compliment; praise; commend; extol; flatter; pay tribute to; salute; speak highly of | |