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สะท้อนรังสีอำมหิต saL thaawnH rangM seeR amM maH hitL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | สะ-ท้อน-รัง-สี-อำ-มะ-หิด |
IPA | sàʔ tʰɔ́ːn raŋ sǐː ʔam má hìt |
Royal Thai General System | sathon rangsi ammahit |
[verb] | |||
definition | to reflect an aura of villany | ||
components | สะท้อน | saL thaawnH | to reflect; rebound; bounce; reverberate |
รังสี | rangM seeR | ray; radiation; radioactivity | |
อำมหิต | amM maH hitL | [is] cruel; savage; fierce; brutal; merciless; wicked | |