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ระเบียบวิธีแบบวิทยาศาสตร์ raH biiapL wiH theeM baaepL witH thaH yaaM saatL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ระ-เบียบ-วิ-ที-แบบ-วิด-ทะ-ยา-สาด |
IPA | ráʔ bìːap wíʔ tʰiː bɛ̀ːp wít tʰá jaː sàːt |
Royal Thai General System | rabiap withi baep witthaya sat |
| |||
definition | The Scientific Method | ||
components | ระเบียบ | raH biiapL | order; regulations; system |
วิธี | wiH theeM | method; way; mode of operation; procedure | |
แบบ | baaepL | plan; kind; design; pattern; style; model; type; [formal term officially endorsed by the Royal Institute] version (of software) | |
วิทยา | witH thaH yaaM | science; knowledge; learning; philosophy; [often a suffix to the name of a primary or secondary school] | |
ศาสตร์ | saatL | science; knowledge; precepts; treatise; principles | |