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แผลงฤทธิ์แผลงเดช phlaaengR ritH phlaaengR daehtL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | แผฺลง-ริด-แผฺลง-เดด |
IPA | pʰlɛ̌ːŋ rít pʰlɛ̌ːŋ dèːt |
Royal Thai General System | phlaeng rit phlaeng det |
[verb, phrase, idiom] | |||
definition | to demonstrate one's power | ||
components | แผลง | phlaaengR | to modify; to adapt; to bend; (of a statement) to distort; (of a message) to pervert |
ฤทธิ์ | ritH | enormous ability or resource; formidable force; colossal power; might; supernatural or paranormal power, miraculous or magical faculty | |
แผลง | phlaaengR | to modify; to adapt; to bend; (of a statement) to distort; (of a message) to pervert | |
เดช | daehtL | power, might, influence | |
synonym | แผลงฤทธิ์ | phlaaengR ritH | to demonstrate one's power; show off one's strength |