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เราน่าจะหาเวลาไปกินกาแฟด้วยกันบ้าง raoM naaF jaL haaR waehM laaM bpaiM ginM gaaM faaeM duayF ganM baangF |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | เรา-น่า-จะ-หา-เว-ลา-ไป-กิน-กา-แฟ-ด้วย-กัน-บ้าง |
IPA | raw nâː tɕàʔ hǎː weː laː paj kin kaː fɛː dûaj kan bâːŋ |
Royal Thai General System | rao na cha ha wela pai kin kafae duai kan bang |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "We should get together for a coffee sometime." | ||
categories | |||
components | เรา | raoM | we; us; our |
น่าจะ | naaF jaL | [auxiliary verb combination] is worthy of... [+ verb "-ing"]; ought to | |
หา | haaR | to find; look for; seek; to search | |
เวลา | waehM laaM | [general] time [as in space and time] | |
ไป | bpaiM | to go; <subject> goes | |
กิน | ginM | to eat or drink; consume; exploit | |
กาแฟ | gaaM faaeM | coffee | |
ด้วยกัน | duayF ganM | together with another person; with each other; along with; together with others; in company | |
บ้าง | baangF | sometimes; anytime | |