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สัญญาณบอกเหตุ sanR yaanM baawkL haehtL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | สัน-ยาน-บอก-เหด |
IPA | sǎn jaːn bɔ̀ːk hèːt |
Royal Thai General System | sanyan bok het |
[noun, phrase] | |||
definition | a telling sign | ||
components | สัญญาณ | sanR yaanM | a signal, reception (radio or TV, e.g.); a warning signal, an alert or notice |
บอก | baawkL | to say; tell; inform; mention; state; relate; let (someone) know | |
เหตุ | haehtL | situation; cause; reason; origin; motive; event | |