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เธอไม่ตายไปจากใจ thuuhrM maiF dtaaiM bpaiM jaakL jaiM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | เทอ-ไม่-ตาย-ไป-จาก-ไจ |
IPA | tʰɤː mâj taːj paj tɕàːk tɕaj |
Royal Thai General System | thoe mai tai pai chak chai |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "You will live in my heart forever." | ||
categories | |||
components | เธอ | thuuhrM | [used in intimate or informal settings] you [the 2nd person singular pronoun] |
ไม่ | maiF | not; no | |
ตาย | dtaaiM | [general] to die; be dead; perish; decease; expire; terminate; pass away; (car) stop (working) | |
ไป | bpaiM | [directional auxiliary meaning "away"] | |
จาก | jaakL | from | |
ใจ | jaiM | heart; spirit; spiritual center or core; soul; inner being; mind | |