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ได้อย่างเสียอย่าง daiF yaangL siiaR yaangL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ได้-หฺย่าง-เสีย-หฺย่าง |
IPA | dâj jàːŋ sǐːa jàːŋ |
Royal Thai General System | dai yang sia yang |
[verb, phrase] | |||
definition | to lose something and gain something. When you lose one thing, you will gain another. | ||
components | ได้ | daiF | to receive; to obtain; acquire; get; have got |
อย่าง | yaangL | variety; style; pattern; type; kind; sort; mode; manner; method | |
เสีย | siiaR | to spend; use up; lose; give up; sacrifice; pay | |
อย่าง | yaangL | variety; style; pattern; type; kind; sort; mode; manner; method | |