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April 2003 News Archive Uploaded edits I've been working on for a few days, including a few hundred new entries, a couple images, and cleanups. Now 19653 entries. Moved (rewrote) several performance-critical ASP functions (dealing with repetitive HTML formatting) into the ActiveX object where they can be written in C++. This resulted in a huge and noticeable speedup for generating large pages, particularly by eliminating some Unicode-ANSI conversion round-trips. Discovered that a phrase coloring feature had been broken at some point in the past, and fixed it. Fixed some transliteration problems, particularly that -ัย was not being treated as a "live ending" by the tone calculation portion of the transliteration engine. Also fixed many words which use a special rule whereby the tone of the second syllable depends on the consonant class of the first syllable. Thanks to Eric Kan for pointing out this problem. Uploaded entries edited by Asda; Now 19143 total. Exposed 'search by transliteration' feature. A very big check-in today: we debuted a big modification and enhancement to our categories feature: categories can now be nested within other categories. The new schema even allows for "floating" categories, which can be sub-categories to more than one parent. We still have a long way to go in organizing the categories, but for now you can have fun browsing what we do have. 18673 entries. Fixed a crashing bug in the relatively new transliteration-caching scheme. Optimized memory management, allowing a compile-time choice between HeapAlloc, GlobalAlloc, and VirtualAlloc subsystems. Organized categories. Gigantic upload of 2719 audio clips recorded by Bryan, along with associated new entries, categories, phrases, and corrections. This brings the total audio clips to 5986, and dictionary items to 18480. Nice job Bryan. During a test period, we are now anonymously gathering data on your browser capabilities. The test determines which version of the XMLDOM component you have; the results are automatically and invisibly sent to us when you visit our site during the test period. Thank you for your cooperation. Exploring mixed server- and client-side XML possibilities using the Quick Survey as a test bed. Quick survey last 30 in the left column and the complete list are now pulled from XML by some javascript code which can be run at the server, or on the client browser. |