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มุทิตา mooH thiH dtaaM |
Royal Institute - 1982 | ||||
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | มุ-ทิ-ตา |
IPA | múʔ tʰíʔ taː |
Royal Thai General System | muthita |
[noun, formal, loanword, Pali] | |||
definition | kindliness; benignity; rejoicing with others in their good fortunes | ||
related words | กรุณา | gaL rooH naaM | mercy; pity; compassion; sympathy |
พรหมวิหารสี่ | phrohmM wiH haanR seeL | the Four Priniciples of virtuous existence | |
เมตตา | maehtF dtaaM | [Buddhism] goodwill; kindness; mercy; clemency; compassion; kindheartedness | |
อุเบกขา | ooL baehkL khaaR | [Buddhism] equanimity; impartiality; indiference; indifference to the affairs of the world | |