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วิปัสสนา wiH bpatL saL naaM |
contents of this page | |
1. | meditation; spiritual insight; contemplation; spiritual contemplation |
2. | Vipassana, a Buddhist or non-sectarian form of meditation also known as "insight meditation" |
Royal Institute - 1982 | ||||
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | วิ-ปัด-สะ-นา |
IPA | wíʔ pàt sà naː |
Royal Thai General System | wipatsana |
1.  [noun, formal, loanword, Pali, Sanskrit] | |||
definition | meditation; spiritual insight; contemplation; spiritual contemplation | ||
categories | |||
related words | กรรมฐาน | gamM maH thaanR | [usually preceded by นั่ง (to sit) or วิปัสสนา (spiritual contemplation)] Karmasthana or Buddhist meditation, which is a mode of Buddhist meditation leading to a thorough tranquility of mind |
ฌาน | chaanM | Dhyana; meditation; thought; concentration of mind; one-pointed meditation | |
สมาธิ | saL maaM thiH | meditation; concentration; focus | |
สมาบัติ | saL maaM batL | ecstatic meditation, the attainment of pure exaltation through deep meditation | |
example | |||
sample sentence | |||
2.  [proper noun] | |||
definition | Vipassana, a Buddhist or non-sectarian form of meditation also known as "insight meditation" | ||