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ร้านขายอุปกรณ์ถ่ายรูป raanH khaaiR ooL bpaL gaawnM thaaiL ruupF |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ร้าน-ขาย-อุ-ปะ-กอน-ถ่าย-รูบ |
IPA | ráːn kʰǎːj ʔùʔ pà kɔːn tʰàːj rûːp |
Royal Thai General System | ran khai upakon thai rup |
[noun] | |||
definition | camera shop | ||
classifier | ร้าน | raanH | [numerical classifier for commercial establishments] |
components | ร้าน | raanH | store or shop; commercial establishment; a place where merchandise is sold; restaurant |
ขาย | khaaiR | to sell | |
อุปกรณ์ | ooL bpaL gaawnM | equipment, apparatus, instrument, appliance, implement, tool, parts, accessory | |
ถ่าย | thaaiL | to film; take a picture; photograph | |
รูป | ruupF | picture; image; a likeness; painting | |