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แนบเนื้อ naaepF neuuaH |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | แนบ-เนื้อ |
IPA | nɛ̂ːp nɯ́ːa |
Royal Thai General System | naep nuea |
[verb] | |||
definition | to fit closely to the body | ||
components | แนบ | naaepF | to be close to; to cling to; to come alongside; to snuggle up to; to attach (e.g. a picture with an e-mail message); to enclose (something in an envelope or in an e-mail message) |
เนื้อ | neuuaH | beef; flesh; tissue meat of any animal [especially] meat of the cow | |
example | กางเกงยืดแนบเนื้อ | gaangM gaehngM yeuutF naaepF neuuaH | tights |