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สุนัขพันธุ์บูลด็อก sooL nakH phanM buunM dawkL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | สุ-นัก-พัน-บูน-ด็อก |
IPA | sùʔ nák pʰan buːn dɔ̀k |
Royal Thai General System | sunak phan bun dok |
[noun, proper noun, phrase] | |||
definition | bull; [i.e.] a bulldog | ||
components | สุนัข | sooL nakH | [formal, polite] dog; puppy |
พันธุ์ | phanM | relatives; kinsman; relationship; lineage; descent; pedigree; strain; breed; species; kind | |
บูล | buunM | [Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] bull; a bulldog | |
ด็อก | dawkL | [Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] dog | |