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ลดราคาลงอีกได้ไหมคะ lohtH raaM khaaM lohngM eekL daiF maiH khaH |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ลด-รา-คา-ลง-อีก-ได้-มั้ย-คะ |
IPA | lót raː kʰaː loŋ ʔìːk dâj máj kʰáʔ |
Royal Thai General System | lot rakha long ik dai mai kha |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "Can you reduce the price any more?" | ||
categories | |||
components | ลดราคา | lohtH raaM khaaM | to discount; to lower the price; on sale |
ลง | lohngM | to come down; go down; get off; get out of; descend; land | |
อีก | eekL | again; after a time; still | |
ได้ | daiF | can; to be able; is able; am able; may; might [auxiliary of potential, denoting possbility, ability, or permission] | |
ไหม | maiH | [alternative, colloquial pronunciation of ไหม, word added at the end of a statement to indicate a question] | |
คะ | khaH | [word added by a female speaker to the end of every question to convey politeness] | |