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ปัญญาประหนึ่งดังอาวุธ bpanM yaaM bpraL neungL dangM aaM wootH |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ปัน-ยา-ปฺระ-หฺนึ่ง-ดัง-อา-วุด |
IPA | pan jaː pràʔ nɯ̀ŋ daŋ ʔaː wút |
Royal Thai General System | panya pranueng dang awut |
[example sentence, idiom] | |||
definition | "Your wit as your weapon." | ||
categories | |||
components | ปัญญา | bpanM yaaM | [Buddhism] intelligence; wisdom; sharpness; wit |
ประหนึ่ง | bpraL neungL | [poetic, written] as if; as though; as; like; comparable to; comparable to | |
ดัง | dangM | such as; like; similar to; as | |
อาวุธ | aaM wootH | weapon | |