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ก่อกรรมทำเข็ญ gaawL gamM thamM khenR |
Royal Institute - 1982 | ||||
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ก่อ-กัม-ทำ-เข็น |
IPA | kɔ̀ː kam tʰam kʰěn |
Royal Thai General System | ko kam tham khen |
[verb, phrase] | |||
definition | commit a sin; do all kinds of evil; do evil; make trouble | ||
components | ก่อ | gaawL | [formal form of ทำ (to do; cause; make)] to start; instigate; commence; originate; to cause; to bring about |
กรรม | gamM | deed; kamma; karma; sin; bad karma earned | |
ทำ | thamM | [used in the pattern ทำ + noun + หาย ] to absentmindedly or unintentionally cause | |
เข็ญ | khenR | distress; suffering; grief; misfortune | |
synonym | ก่อกรรม | gaawL gamM maH | commit a sin; do evil; make trouble |