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กลยุทธ์ทุบหม้อข้าวยึดเมืองจันบุรี gohnM laH yootH thoopH maawF khaaoF yeutH meuuangM janM booL reeM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | กน-ละ-ยุด-ทุบ-ม่อ-ค่าว-ยึด-เมือง-จัน-บุ-รี |
IPA | kon lá jút tʰúp mɔ̂ː kʰâːw jɯ́t mɯːaŋ tɕan bùʔ riː |
Royal Thai General System | konla yut thup mo khao yuet mueang chanburi |
[noun, phrase] | |||
definition | [a historical reference to a King Taksin battle] a do-or-die strategy | ||
components | กลยุทธ์ | gohnM laH yootH | stratagem; maneuver |
ทุบหม้อข้าว | thoopH maawF khaaoF | to destroy one's career | |
ยึด | yeutH | to confiscate, seize, retain, attach (property), hold or cling to | |
เมือง | meuuangM | city; nation; country; land; town | |
จันบุรี | janM booL reeM | an ancient city | |