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กองพิสูจน์หลักฐาน gaawngM phiH suutL lakL thaanR |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | กอง-พิ-สูด-หฺลัก-ถาน |
IPA | kɔːŋ pʰíʔ sùːt làk tʰǎːn |
Royal Thai General System | kong phisut lak than |
[noun, proper noun] | |||
definition | Scientific Crime Detection Division (Royal Thai Police) | ||
categories | |||
components | กอง | gaawngM | [numerical classifier for a troop, force, band, company, or brigade of people; classifier for piles or heaps] |
พิสูจน์ | phiH suutL | to prove; demonstrate; establish | |
หลักฐาน | lakL thaanR | evidence | |
synonym | พฐ. | phaawM thaawR | [abbreviation for กองพิสูจน์หลักฐาน] |