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Ministries, Departments, and Offices

กนร.gaawM naawM raawM[abbreviation for คณะกรรมการกำกับนโยบายด้านรัฐวิสาหกิจ]
กรมการขนส่งทางบก grohmM gaanM khohnR sohngL thaangM bohkLDepartment of Land Transport (within the กระทรวงคมนาคม)
กรมการขนส่งทางรางgrohmM gaanM khohnR sohngL thaangM raangMDepartment of Rail Transport
กรมการข้าวgrohmM gaanM khaaoFRice Department (within the บึง  )
กรมการค้าต่างประเทศgrohmM gaanM khaaH dtaangL bpraL thaehtFDepartment of Foreign Trade (within the กระทรวงพาณิชย์)- DFT
กรมการค้าภายในgrohmM gaanM khaaH phaaiM naiMDepartment of Internal Trade - DIT (within the กระทรวงพาณิชย์)
กรมการจัดหางานgrohmM gaanM jatL haaR ngaanMDepartment of Employment
กรมการปกครองgrohmM gaanM bpohkL khraawngMDepartment of Provincial Administration (within the กระทรวงมหาดไทย); Department of Local Administration; DOPA
grohmM gaanM phatH thaH naaM choomM chohnM
Department of Community Development (within the กระทรวงมหาดไทย)
กรมการแพทย์grohmM gaanM phaaetFDepartment of Medical Services (within the กระทรวงสาธารณสุข)
กรมการรักษาดินแดนgrohmM gaanM rakH saaR dinM daaenMTerritorial Defense Department
กรมควบคุมโรคgrohmM khuaapF khoomM ro:hkFDepartment of Disease Control (within the กระทรวงสาธารณสุข)
grohmM khoomH khraawngM sitL thiH laeH saehR reeM phaapF
Rights and Liberties Protection Department
กรมเจ้าท่าgrohmM jaoF thaaFMarine Department (within กระทรวงคมนาคม)
กรมทรัพย์สินทางปัญญาgrohmM sapH sinR thaangM bpanM yaaMDepartment of Intellectual Property (within the กระทรวงพาณิชย์) - DIP
กรมท่าgrohmM maH thaaF(formerly) Department of Foreign Affairs
กรมทางหลวงgrohmM thaangM luaangRHighway Department (within the กระทรวงคมนาคม)
กรมธนารักษ์grohmM thaH naaM rakHTreasury Department under the supervision of กระทรวงการคลัง
กรมบังคับคดีgrohmM bangM khapH khaH deeMLegal Execution Department, Ministry of Justice
กรมบัญชีกลางgrohmM banM cheeM glaangMComptroller-General's Department
กรมประชาสงเคราะห์grohmM bpraL chaaM sohngR khrawHDepartment of Public Welfare (within กระทรวงการพัฒนาสังคมและความมั่นคงของมนุษย์)
กรมประมงgrohmM bpraL mohngMDepartment of Fisheries
กรมปศุสัตว์grohmM bpaL sooL satLDepartment of Livestock Development; Department of Livestock Promotion; Animal Husbandry Department
grohmM bpaawngF ganM laeH banM thaoM saaR thaaM raH naH phaiM
Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (within the กระทรวงมหาดไทย)
กรมป่าไม้grohmM bpaaL maaiHForestry Department
grohmM phatH thaH naaM thooH raH gitL gaanM khaaH
Department of Commerce and Trade
กรมโยธาธิการgrohmM yo:hM thaaM thiH gaanMDepartment of Public Works
grohmM yo:hM thaaM thiH gaanM laeH phangR meuuangM
Department of Public Works and Town and Country Planning (within กระทรวงมหาดไทย)
กรมราชทัณฑ์grohmM raatF chaH thanMDepartment of Corrections
กรมศุลกากรgrohmM soonR laH gaaM gaawnMCustoms Department
grohmM sohngL seermR gaanM bpohkL khraawngM thaawngH thinL
Department of Local Administration (within the กระทรวงมหาดไทย)
grohmM sohngL seermR watH thaH naH thamM
Department of Cultural Promotion
grohmM sohnR thiH sanR yaaM laeH gohtL maaiR
Department of Treaties and Legal Affairs; Treaty and Legal Department; Treaty and Law Department
กรมสรรพากรgrohmM sanR phaaM gaawnMRevenue Department; Government Tax Office
grohmM saL watL diL gaanM laeH khoomH khraawngM raaengM ngaanM
Department of Labor Protection and Welfare
grohmM saawpL suaanR khaH deeM phiH saehtL
Department of Special Investigations
กรมสารนิเทศgrohmM saaR raH niH thaehtFDepartment of Information (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
กรมสุขภาพจิตgrohmM sookL khaL phaapF jitLDepartment of Mental Health (within the กระทรวงสาธารณสุข)
กรมเสมียนตราgrohmM saL miianR dtraaMSecretariat Department
กรมอนามัยgrohmM aL naaM maiMDepartment of Mental Health (within the กระทรวงสาธารณสุข)
กรมอุตุนิยมgrohmM ooL dtooL niH yohmMDepartment of Meteorology
grohmM ooL dtooL niH yohmM witH thaH yaaM
Department of Meteorology
grohmM ootL thaH yaanM haengL chaatF satL bpaaL laeH phanM pheuutF
National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department
กระทรวงกะลาโหมgraL suaangM gaL laaM ho:hmRMinistry of Defense
กระทรวงการคลังgraL suaangM gaanM khlangMMinistry of Finance
กระทรวงการต่างประเทศgraL suaangM gaanM dtaangL bpraL thaehtFMinistry of Foreign Affairs
graL suaangM gaanM thaawngF thiaaoF laeH geeM laaM
Ministry of Tourism and Sports
graL suaangM gaanM phatH thaH naaM sangR khohmM laeH khwaamM manF khohngM khaawngR maH nootH
Ministry of Social Development and Human Security
graL suaangM gaL saehtL laeH saL haL gaawnM
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
กระทรวงคมนาคมgraL suaangM khaH maH naaM khohmMMinistry of Transport and Communications
graL suaangM sapH phaH yaaM gaawnM thamM maH chaatF laeH singL waaetF laawmH
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
graL suaangM thaehkF no:hM lo:hM yeeM saaR raH sohnR thaehtF laeH gaanM seuuL saanR
Ministry of Information and Communication Technology
กระทรวงพลังงานgraL suaangM phaH langM ngaanMMinistry of Energy
กระทรวงพาณิชย์graL suaangM phaaM nitHMinistry of Commerce
กระทรวงยุติธรรมgraL suaangM yootH dtiL thamMMinistry of Justice
กระทรวงแรงงานgraL suaangM raaengM ngaanMMinistry of Labor and Social Welfare
graL suaangM raaengM ngaanM laeH saL watL diL gaanM sangR khohmM
Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare
กระทรวงวัฒนธรรมgraL suaangM watH thaH naH thamMMinistry of Culture
graL suaangM witH thaH yaaM saatL thaehkF no:hM lo:hM yeeM laeH singL waaetF laawmH
Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment
graL suaangM witH thaH yaaM saatL laeH thaehkF no:hM lo:hM yeeM
Ministry of Science and Technology
กระทรวงศึกษาธิการgraL suaangM seukL saaR thiH gaanMMinistry of Education
graL suaangM saaR thaaM raH naH sookL
Ministry of Public Health
กระทรวงอุตสาหกรรมgraL suaangM ootL saaR haL gamMMinistry of Industry
gaawngM khuaapF khoomM watH thooL saehpL dtitL
Narcotics Control Division
gaawngM bangM khapH gaanM bpaawngF ganM bpraapL bpraamM gaanM thootH jaL ritL laeH bpraL phreutH miH chaawpF
Counter Corruption Division Central Investigation Bureau
กองพิสูจน์หลักฐานgaawngM phiH suutL lakL thaanRScientific Crime Detection Division (Royal Thai Police)
gaanM geeM laaM haengL bpraL thaehtF thaiM
Sports Authority of Thailand
การเคหะแห่งชาติgaanM khaehM haL haengL chaatFNational Housing Authority
grohmM gaanM seukL saaR naawkF ro:hngM riianM
Department of Non-formal Education
กิ่งอำเภอgingL amM phuuhrMminor district
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM gritL saL deeM gaaM
Council of State; Juridical Council
samR nakH ngaanM khaH naH gamM maH gaanM gritL saL deeM gaaM
Office of the Council of State
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM gaanM seukL saaR khanF pheuunH thaanR
Committee on Fundamental Education
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM gitL jaL gaanM graL jaaiM siiangR laeH gitL jaL gaanM tho:hM raH thatH haengL chaatF
Selection Committee for National Television and Broadcasting Affairs
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM khaaF raatF chaH gaanM khruuM laeH bookL khaH laaM gaawnM thaangM gaanM seukL saaR
Committee for Civil Service Teachers and Education Personnel
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM khaaF raatF chaH gaanM phohnM laH reuuanM
Civil Service Commission
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM dtaawpL dto:hF gaanM gaawL gaanM raaiH
Counter Terrorism Committee - CTC
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM naH yo:hM baaiM khaaoF haengL chaatF
Department of Internal Trade
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM naH yo:hM baaiM khaiL gaiL laeH phaL litL dtaL phanM
The Committee for Egg Policy and Production (Egg Board)
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM naH yo:hM baaiM ratH wiH saaR haL gitL
State Enterprise Policy Office
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM phatH thaH naaM gaanM saehtL thaL gitL laeH sangR khohmM haengL chaatF
National Economic and Social Development Board
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM watH thaH naH thamM haengL chaatF
National Culture Commission
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM saL phaaM gaanM seukL saaR
Education Council
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM aaM haanR laeH yaaM
Food and Drug Administration (of Thailand) (อย.)
คณะรัฐมนตรีkhaH naH ratH thaL mohnM dtreeMCabinet, Council of Ministers or advisors
จังหวัด jangM watLprovince, of which Thailand has 76
กรมชลประทานgrohmM chohnM laH bpraL thaanMRoyal Irrigation Department
ตำบล dtamM bohnMsub-district, a subdivision of the อำเภอ 
ตำรวจชายแดนdtamM ruaatL chaaiM daaenMBorder Patrol Police Bureau
ตำรวจตระเวนชายแดนdtamM ruaatL dtraL waehnM chaaiM daaenMBorder Police
กรมธนารักษ์grohmM thaH naaM rakHTreasury Department
กระทรวงมหาดไทยgraL suaangM maH haatL thaiMMinistry of the Interior
ศูนย์ดำรงธรรมsuunR damM rohngM thamM maHOmbudsman's office
suunR baawM riH haanR saL thaanR naH gaanM kho:hM witH
Center for Covid-19 Administration; Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA)
suunR amM nuayM gaanM gaaeF khaiR saL thaanR naH gaanM chookL cheernR
Centre for the Resolution of Emergency Situation; Emergency Operations Center
ศูนย์อำนวยการรักษาความสงบเรียบร้อยการเลือกตั้ง สำนักงานตำรวจแห่งชาติ
suunR amM nuayM gaanM rakH saaR khwaamM saL ngohpL riiapF raawyH gaanM leuuakF dtangF samR nakH ngaanM dtamM ruaatL haengL chaatF
Police Command Center for Keeping the Peace During Elections
saehtL thaL gitL phaawM phiiangM pheuuaF yohkH raH dapL choomM chohnM
Sufficiency Economy Office for Community Development
saL thaaR banM niH dtiL witH thaH yaaM saatL
Central Institute of Forensic Science (CIFS)
สพท.มัธยมsaawR phaawM thaawM matH thaH yohmMArea Education Office for Secondary Education
saL phaaM groongM thaehpF maH haaR naH khaawnM
Bangkok Metropolitan Council
สำนักข่าวกรองแห่งชาติsamR nakH khaaoL graawngM haengL chaatFNational Intelligence Agency
สำนักงานกลางชั่งตวงวัด (กรมการค้าภายใน) กระทรวงพาณิชย์
samR nakH ngaanM glaangM changF dtuaangM watH grohmM gaanM khaaH phaaiM naiM graL suaangM phaaM nitH
Central Bureau of Weights and Measures (Department of Internal Trade), Ministry of Commerce
samR nakH ngaanM gaawngM thoonM saL napL saL noonR gaanM saangF seermR sookL khaL phaapF
Thai Health Promotion Foundation
samR nakH ngaanM gaanM bpaL dtiL ruupF theeF dinM pheuuaF gaL saehtL dtraL gamM
Agricultural Land Reform Office
samR nakH ngaanM khaehtL pheuunH theeF gaanM seukL saaR
Area Education Office
samR nakH ngaanM khaehtL pheuunH theeF gaanM seukL saaR bpraL thohmR seukL saaR
Primary Education Area Service Office
samR nakH ngaanM khaehtL pheuunH theeF gaanM seukL saaR matH thaH yohmM seukL saaR
Secondary Educational Service Area Office
samR nakH ngaanM khaH naH gamM maH gaanM gritL saL deeM gaaM
Office of the Council of State of Thailand
samR nakH ngaanM khaH naH gamM maH gaanM khaaF raatF chaH gaanM khruuM laeH bookL khaH laaM gaawnM thaangM gaanM seukL saaR
Office of the Teacher Civil Service and Educational Personnel Commission
samR nakH ngaanM khaH naH gamM maH gaanM khuaapF khoomM khreuuangF deuumL aaenM gaawM haawM
Office of Alcoholic Beverages
samR nakH ngaanM khaH naH gamM maH gaanM phatH thaH naaM gaanM saehtL thaL gitL laeH sangR khohmM haengL chaatF
Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board
samR nakH ngaanM khaH naH gamM maH gaanM phatH thaH naaM raH bohpL raatF chaH gaanM
Office of the Public Sector Development Commission
samR nakH ngaanM khaH naH gamM maH gaanM wiH jaiM haengL chaatF
Office of the National Research Council of Thailand
samR nakH ngaanM khaH naH gamM maH gaanM aaM haanR laeH yaaM
Office of the Food and Drug Administration (within the กระทรวงสาธารณสุข)
samR nakH ngaanM khwaamM ruaamF meuuM pheuuaF gaanM phatH thaH naaM raH waangL bpraL thaehtF
Thailand International Development Cooperation Agency
samR nakH ngaanM khoomH khraawngM phuuF baawM riH pho:hkF
Office of the Consumer Protection Board
samR nakH ngaanM dtruaatL khohnM khaoF meuuangM
Immigration Bureau
samR nakH ngaanM dtamM ruaatL haengL chaatF
Royal Thai Police; Office of the National Police
samR nakH ngaanM bpraL ganM sangR khohmM
Social Security Office
samR nakH ngaanM ratH thaL mohnM dtreeM
Office of the Minister
samR nakH ngaanM rengF ratH phatH thaH naaM chohnM naH bohtL
Office of Accelerated Rural Development
samR nakH ngaanM soonR laH gaaM gaawnM
Customs Bureau
samR nakH ngaanM aiM yaH gaanM khoomH khraawngM sitL thiH laeH chuayF leuuaR thaangM gohtL maaiR laeH bangM khapH khaH deeM
Office of Civil Rights Protection
สำนักทะเบียนกลางsamR nakH thaH biianM glaangMBureau of Registration Administration
samR nakH baawM riH haanR neeF saaR thaaM raH naH
Public Debt Management Office
samR nakH raatF chaH laehM khaaR thiH gaanM
Office of His Majesty's Principal Private Secretary
samR nakH saL laakL ginM baengL ratH thaL baanM
Government Lottery Office
องค์การคลังสินค้าohngM gaanM khlangM sinR khaaHPublic Warehouse Organization
อำเภอ amM phuuhrMdistrict; a subdivision of a Thai province
samR nakH ngaanM ohngM khaH mohnM dtreeM
The Privy Council Chamber

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