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waehM laaM phraH thanF jaL baawM riH haanR raangF gaaiM thanF chaiH wiH theeM deernM johngM grohmM laeH suaatL mohnM bpaiM duayF
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiเว-ลา-พฺระ-ทั่น-จะ-บอ-ริ-หาน-ร่าง-กาย-ทั่น-ไช้-วิ-ที-เดิน-จง-กฺรม-และ-สวด-มน-ไป-ด้วย
IPAweː laː pʰráʔ tʰân tɕàʔ bɔː ríʔ hǎːn râːŋ kaːj tʰân tɕʰáj wíʔ tʰiː dɤːn tɕoŋ krom lɛ́ʔ sùːat mon paj dûaj
Royal Thai General Systemwela phra than cha borihan rang kai than chai withi doen chongkrom lae suat mon pai duai

 [example sentence]
"While the monk exercises his body, he also practices walking meditation and prayer."

componentsเวลา waehM laaMwhen
พระ  phraHpriest; minister; cleric; monk; padre; god; Buddha image
ท่านthanF[numerical classifier for a respected person, civil person, judge, monk, master] [formal]
จะ jaL[auxiliary verb indicating future tense—must be used with another verb] will; shall
บริหาร baawM riH haanRto exercise
ร่างกายraangF gaaiMbody; human body; physique
ท่านthanF[a respectful 2nd or 3rd person singular pronoun] you; he; she; him; her; they; them
ใช้ chaiHto use, employ, exploit an object; utilize; resort to; implement
วิธี wiH theeMmethod; way; mode of operation; procedure
เดิน deernMto walk; <subject> walks
จงกรมjohngM grohmMto walk back and forth; excercise while walking; walking meditation
และ laeHand
สวดมนต์suaatL mohnMto pray
ไป bpaiMto go; <subject> goes
ด้วย duayFtogether; along with; also; too; as well; likewise; in addition to doing some other thing (as another action performed by the same subject)

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