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ย่านธุรกิจการค้าสำคัญใจกลาง yaanF thooH raH gitL gaanM khaaH samR khanM jaiM glaangM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ย่าน-ทุ-ระ-กิด-กาน-ค้า-สำ-คัน-ไจ-กฺลาง |
IPA | jâːn tʰúʔ rá kìt kaːn kʰáː sǎm kʰan tɕaj klaːŋ |
Royal Thai General System | yan thurakit kan kha samkhan chai klang |
[noun] | |||
definition | a business setting located right in the heart of... | ||
categories | |||
components | ย่าน | yaanF | region; district; area; geographical section; place; locality |
ธุรกิจ | thooH raH gitL | business; business deal; firm | |
การค้า | gaanM khaaH | commerce; trade | |
สำคัญใจ | samR khanM jaiM | [is] the heart of; the critical element of | |
กลาง | glaangM | the middle; the center | |