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...จะคิดว่า "ดารารึเปล่าวะ" jaL khitH waaF daaM raaM reuH bplaaoL waH |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | จะ-คิด-ว่า-ดา-รา-รึ-ปฺล่าว-วะ |
IPA | tɕàʔ kʰít wâː daː raː rɯ́ʔ plàːw wáʔ |
Royal Thai General System | cha khit wa dara rue plao wa |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | ...I would think to myself, “Could she be a movie star?” | ||
categories | |||
components | จะ | jaL | [imminent aspect marker] |
คิดว่า | khitH waaF | to count; think that... | |
ดารา | daaM raaM | star | |
รึเปล่า | reuH bplaaoL | [a colloquial way of saying หรือเปล่า]... or not? | |
วะ | waH | [informal and impolite particle placed at the end of a phrase or sentence, usually a question, to indicate familiarity] | |