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สภาธุรกิจตลาดทุนไทย saL phaaM thooH raH gitL dtaL laatL thoonM thaiM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | สะ-พา-ทุ-ระ-กิด-ตะ-หฺลาด-ทุน-ไท |
IPA | sà pʰaː tʰúʔ rá kìt tà làːt tʰun tʰaj |
Royal Thai General System | sapha thurakit talat thun thai |
[proper noun] | |||
definition | Federation of Thai Capital Market Organizations | ||
categories | |||
components | สภา | saL phaaM | council; assembly |
ธุรกิจ | thooH raH gitL | business; business deal; firm | |
ตลาด | dtaL laatL | market; marketplace | |
ทุน | thoonM | assets, cost, fund, investments, capital, subsidy, scholarship | |
ไทย | thaiM | Thai; of or pertaining to Thailand | |
synonym | สธท. | saawR thaawM thaawM | [abbreviation for สภาธุรกิจตลาดทุนไทย] FETCO |