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ผอมลง และหุ่นดีเว่อร์ phaawmR lohngM laeH hoonL deeM wuuhrF |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ผอม-ลง-และ-หุ่น-ดี-เว่อ |
IPA | pʰɔ̌ːm loŋ lɛ́ʔ hùn diː wɤ̂ː |
Royal Thai General System | phom long lae hun di woe |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "I got thinner and thinner and my shape got better." | ||
categories | |||
components | ผอมลง | phaawmR lohngM | to lose weight; grow thin |
และ | laeH | and | |
หุ่นดี | hoonL deeM | [of male physique and female figure] well-built, in great shape | |
เว่อร์ | wuuhrF | over the top, too much, more than needed [from English "over"]. | |