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นักกีฬาจะต้องซ้อมมือไว้เสมอ nakH geeM laaM jaL dtawngF saawmH meuuM waiH saL muuhrR |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | นัก-กี-ลา-จะ-ต็้อง-ซ้อม-มือ-ไว้-สะ-เหฺมอ |
IPA | nák kiː laː tɕàʔ tɔ̂ŋ sɔ́ːm mɯː wáj sà mɤ̌ː |
Royal Thai General System | nak kila cha tong som mue wai samoe |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "Athletes must always practice their skills." | ||
categories | |||
components | นักกีฬา | nakH geeM laaM | athlete |
จะต้อง | jaL dtawngF | [auxiliary verb combination] must; will have to | |
ซ้อมมือ | saawmH meuuM | to exercise; practise one's skill; train | |
ไว้ | waiH | [aspect marker indicating a completed event which is considered beneficial] | |
เสมอ | saL muuhrR | always, often, frequently, continually | |