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กินลูกตะกั่ว ginM luukF dtaL guaaL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | กิน-ลูก-ตะ-กั่ว |
IPA | kin lûːk tàʔ kùːa |
Royal Thai General System | kin luk takua |
[verb, phrase, colloquial] | |||
definition | to be shot (by a bullet); eat lead | ||
components | กิน | ginM | to eat or drink; consume; exploit |
ลูก | luukF | small ball; bulbous object; small round object; shortened form of ลูกบอล [e.g. football or football shot] | |
ตะกั่ว | dtaL guaaL | [chemistry] Lead, Pb, atomic number 82, a soft heavy metal | |