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คืนให้กลับสู่ธรรมชาติดังเดิม kheuunM haiF glapL suuL thamM maH chaatF dangM deermM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | คืน-ไฮ่-กฺลับ-สู่-ทัม-มะ-ชาด-ดัง-เดิม |
IPA | kʰɯːn hâj klàp sùː tʰam má tɕʰâːt daŋ dɤːm |
Royal Thai General System | khuen hai klap su thamma chat dang doem |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | Return to its natural state | ||
categories | |||
components | คืน | kheuunM | give back (to); to return (to) |
ให้ | haiF | for; towards; in the direction of; into; to | |
กลับ | glapL | to return or go back | |
สู่ | suuL | to get to; to arrive at; to reach | |
ธรรมชาติ | thamM maH chaatF | nature; creation; mother nature | |
ดังเดิม | dangM deermM | as before | |