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เจอน้ำแล้วเจือจางลง รสชาติพอดีกิน
juuhrM naamH laaeoH jeuuaM jaangM lohngM rohtH chaatF phaawM deeM ginM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiเจอ-น้าม-แล้ว-เจือ-จาง-ลง-รด-ชาด-พอ-ดี-กิน
IPAtɕɤː náːm lɛ́ːw tɕɯːa tɕaːŋ loŋ rót tɕʰâːt pʰɔː diː kin
Royal Thai General Systemchoe nam laeo chueachang long rot chat pho di kin

 [example sentence]
"The drink will become less strong and the flavor will become just perfect [for the palate]."

componentsเจอ juuhrMto encounter; to meet or see (someone)
น้ำ naamHwater; fluid; liquid
แล้ว laaeoH[positioned at the end of a clause indicating current position, fulfilment of a condition, emphasis, or confirmation] already; any more
เจือจางjeuuaM jaangM[is] diluted, thin
ลง lohngM[directional auxiliary indicating "downward" or "reduction"]
รสชาติrohtH chaatFflavor; flavour; taste
พอดีphaawM deeMjust enough; good enough; just right; just sufficient; just then, at that very moment
กิน ginMto eat or drink; consume; exploit

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