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ไขว้ khwaiF |
contents of this page | |
1. | to cross two objects together; to arrange in a crisscrossed way; to interlock or link together; to swap or interchange |
2. | to pawn an object |
Royal Institute - 1982 | ||||||
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ไคฺว่ |
IPA | kʰwâj |
Royal Thai General System | khwai |
1.  [verb, transitive, intransitive] | |||
definition | to cross two objects together; to arrange in a crisscrossed way; to interlock or link together; to swap or interchange | ||
examples | ไขว้ขากัน | khwaiF khaaR ganM | [general] [has] legs crossed; [is] crossing (his) legs |
ไขว้เขว | khwaiF khwaehR | [is] confusing; ambiguous; easily misunderstood | |
ปริศนาคำไขว้ | bpritL saL naaR khamM khwaiF | crossword puzzle | |
ปริศนาอักษรไขว้ | bpritL saL naaR akL saawnR khwaiF | crossword puzzle | |
ไขว้ขา | khwaiF khaaR | to cross one's legs | |
2.  [verb, colloquial] | |||
definition | to pawn an object | ||