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ท่านผู้โดยสารโปรดทราบ... thanF phuuF dooyM saanR bpro:htL saapF |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ทั่น-พู่-โดย-สาน-โปฺรด-ซาบ |
IPA | tʰân pʰûː doːj sǎːn pròːt sâːp |
Royal Thai General System | than phu doisan prot sap |
[phrase, formal] | |||
definition | "Attention, all passengers!" | ||
categories | |||
components | ท่าน | thanF | [a respectful 2nd or 3rd person singular pronoun] you; he; she; him; her; they; them |
ผู้โดยสาร | phuuF dooyM saanR | passenger | |
โปรด | bpro:htL | [a formal word of request] "please" | |
ทราบ | saapF | [polite] to know a fact or piece of information | |