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ตรงประเด็น dtrohngM bpraL denM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ตฺรง-ปฺระ-เด็น |
IPA | troŋ pràʔ den |
Royal Thai General System | trong praden |
[adjective, phrase, formal] | |||
definition | to the point | ||
components | ตรง | dtrohngM | precisely; exactly; right (here); directly |
ประเด็น | bpraL denM | the point at issue, a bone of contention, the case, the topic | |
related words | นอกประเด็น | naawkF bpraL denM | beside the point; beside the issue; irrelevant |
ไม่เกี่ยวข้อง | maiF giaaoL khaawngF | irrelevant; unconnected; beside the point; extraneous; immaterial; impertinent; inapplicable; unrelated | |
ไม่ถูกจุด | maiF thuukL jootL | not to the point; beside the point; irrelevant; unconnected; immaterial; impertinent; inapplicable; unrelated | |
example | ไม่ตรงประเด็น | maiF dtrohngM bpraL denM | irrelevant; unconnected; beside the point; extraneous; immaterial; impertinent; inapplicable; unrelated |