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เวลาช่วยรักษาแผลใจ waehM laaM chuayF rakH saaR phlaaeR jaiM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | เว-ลา-ช่วย-รัก-สา-แผฺล-ไจ |
IPA | weː laː tɕʰûaj rák sǎː pʰlɛ̌ː tɕaj |
Royal Thai General System | wela chuai raksa phlae chai |
[example sentence, colloquial, idiom] | |||
definition | "Time heals love's wounds." | ||
categories | |||
components | เวลา | waehM laaM | [general] time [as in space and time] |
ช่วย | chuayF | to help; to aid; to assist; to contribute; to please | |
รักษา | rakH saaR | to remedy, treat, or cure an illness | |
แผลใจ | phlaaeR jaiM | love's wound | |