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ชอบมะม่วงรึเปล่าคะ? chaawpF maH muaangF reuH bplaaoL khaH |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ชอบ-มะ-ม่วง-รึ-ปฺล่าว-คะ |
IPA | tɕʰɔ̂ːp máʔ mûːaŋ rɯ́ʔ plàːw kʰáʔ |
Royal Thai General System | chop mamuang rue plao kha |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | [spoken by a female] "Do you like mangoes?" | ||
categories | |||
components | ชอบ | chaawpF | to like; to prefer; to be pleased with; to be fond of; to admire; to be satisfied with; to be right for |
มะม่วง | maH muaangF | mango; mangoes | |
รึเปล่า? | reuH bplaaoL | [colloquial form of หรือเปล่า] ...or not? | |
คะ | khaH | [word added by a female speaker to the end of every question to convey politeness] | |